

Love your pet?
Like to share Vacation pics?
Promote your Business on the go?

Bulldog Printing is now offering custom Direct to Garment (DTG is artwork printed on cloth without transfers) t-shirt printing.

Available for t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, bags, and more. Best of all: NO MINIMUMS!

We’ll print just one on your shirt or ours for Birthdays, Weddings, etc. We can also do vinyl printing for those interested.

Contact us or stop by our location near Downtown Greensboro to learn more.


Use our Get a Quote form to send your shirt order details. Once your quote is sent, you’ll be redirected to our Art Submission form to upload your shirt graphic(s). Make sure your image is vector or a bitmap with 300dpi for the best printing quality. If you don’t have a graphic design program to create your artwork, you can use a free online program like Pixler (Bulldog Printing is not affiliated with this site in any way) .


After your order is placed and your artwork is uploaded, we’ll send a digital proof of what your image(s) will look like positioned on the shirt. Be sure to check your email AND junk folder for our emailed proof. Once your proof is approved, you can come by and see a printed sample if you’d like. 

Orders typically take 3-5 business days to complete and be shipped out (unless you’re picking up). Let us know which shipping method you prefer (FedEx or UPS).

Design • Copy • Print • Ship